Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you accept returns?
A: Yes, you can return your order within 14 days from order receiving date. Contact support@petpaule.com for more return information.
Q:Do you have wholesale availability?
A: Yes, we offer wholesale price at affordable small minimum order requirement. Contact support@petpaule.com for more wholesale information.
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: Yes, we ship to the majority countries of the world. We usually have DHL or Fedex carries out the international package for us and it costs from USD 14.99-25.99. You can have free intentional shipping with order over USD 200.
Q: Gift wrapping services?
A: Gift wrapping service is available at a cost from USD 9.99 to 15.99. But it will takes 5-7 business days for us to process if you require a gift wrapping service. Contact support@petpaule.com for more return information.